
Results for "wiener festwochen"
An exciting mixture

An exciting mixture

Bouchra Ouizguen presented a cross-border dance project with her work “Elephant” as part of the Wiener Festwochen.

The horror does not only take place in the theatre

The horror does not only take place in the theatre

Abuse of power begins in the family and it is passed on from there. With ‘L’etang / Der Teich’, Gisèle Vienne succeeded in creating a highly emotional adaptation of Robert Walser’s play of the same name. It shows how children are emotionally at the mercy of their parents and how much they suffer when they are deprived of love.

Fuck you mother!

Fuck you mother!

In her latest production, “Todo el cielo sobre la tierra” (El sindrome de Wendy), Angélica Liddell pushes all mothers off their supposed throne, which they have ascended qua the birth of their children, and shouts at them that there is no reason for them to claim a “dignity surcharge” for themselves.

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